MTM Scientific, Inc... The KAP Camera: Free Plans

Aerial Photography using a Kite and Single-Use Camera!

KAP (Kite Aerial Photography) rig in action!    A typical KAP picture taken with the MTM Kite Camera!

Kite Aerial Photography is KAP! Here are free plans for a KAP Camera Rig, capable of snapping aerial photographs using a disposable camera and your kite. Here's how it works: Your kite lifts the 10 ounce rig to altitude, then a melting "ice cube timer" trips the shutter... simply reel the kite back-in to reload, and go again. The KAP rig is designed to use a disposable camera, such as the 27 shot Kodak Funsaver Camera. This project is really a lot of fun, especially taking photos at the beach, on vacation or around home...try it once and you'll be hooked on KAP.  We suggest using a large payload-lifting classic box kite for launching the KAP rig, although any large kite is suitable. We previously offered the KAP Project as a kit, but are now publishing the free detailed plans here as a PDF file.

The KAP Camera Kit is a great way to get started in Kite Aerial Photography!

Here is a view of the materials you will need to build the Kap Camera Project. As you can see the main construction materials are wood, easily available from Home Supply stores such as Lowes or Home Depot. The KAP plans include all the information you need to construct and use the KAP camera design shown here. The plans include a parts list, drawings, drilling template, assembly guide and flying instructions.  Our only request is that these plans are not reproduced or distributed without our written permission.  Also, we would certainly enjoy seeing your KAP photos to share with other hobbyists!

KAP Camera attached to a Box Kite KAP photo of Schaller Observatory

Download KAP Camera Plans (PDF Format)

MTM Scientific, Inc.